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The Roadmap of Your Club, Managed by Futbo!


Futbo provides all the management functions that football clubs need on a single platform. From scouting and analysis to training and match data, from internal pre-accounting to facility management, it enhances efficiency and simplifies your operations in every area. Manage your club better and achieve success with Futbo.


Our Modules


Training and Match
Our Advantages

Software Advantages

You can see the advantages we offer below in bullet points.

Futbo enhances efficiency in club management, saving time and resources. By consolidating all management functions on a single platform, it accelerates business processes and minimizes errors.

Futbo offers detailed reporting tools that allow you to track the performance and progress of your club. Obtain all the information you need instantly, from player performance reports to financial status analyses, and make strategic decisions.

Futbo is a management platform that anyone can easily use, thanks to its user-friendly and intuitive interface. It presents complex operations in a simple and understandable way, ensuring quick adaptation for users.

Futbo consolidates all operations in your club into an integrated system. Scouting, training, match management, accounting, and health modules work in harmony, allowing you to manage your data from a single point.

Futbo securely stores and protects your club’s data. Advanced security protocols and data backup features ensure that your information is always safe.
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Our Contributions

Our Contributions to Clubs

With Futbo, football clubs can make their management processes more efficient and effective. Our software provides all the tools you need to enhance your club’s performance. Here are some benefits Futbo offers to your club:

  • Efficient Management: Save time and increase efficiency by consolidating all club management functions on a single platform.
  • Detailed Analyses: Analyze player and team performance in detail and monitor their progress.
  • Advanced Planning: Easily plan and optimize your training and match schedules.
  • Financial Control: Always keep your club’s financial status under control and manage your budget more effectively.
  • Health Monitoring: Closely monitor your players’ health and improve injury and illness management.
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Frequently Asked Questions

To try Futbo, you can request a free demo from our website. After filling out the form, our team will contact you to initiate the demo process.

Futbo offers comprehensive features such as player and team analysis, training and match management, internal pre-accounting, facility management, and health modules. For detailed information, you can visit the features page on our website.

Futbo has a user-friendly and intuitive interface, making it easy to use. However, for a better user experience, our team provides initial training and support.

Futbo can be used by all authorized personnel in your club by defining user accounts. You can easily set user permissions and access levels from the admin panel.

The cost of Futbo varies depending on your club’s needs and the packages you choose. For pricing and package details, you can contact our sales team.

Futbo keeps your data safe with advanced security measures and data backup systems. The confidentiality and security of your data are among our top priorities.

Yes, Futbo has a flexible and customizable structure. We can customize the modules and features according to your club’s specific needs.

Futbo provides technical support, training, and consulting services to its users. Our support team is always there to help you use the software most efficiently.

You can contact us immediately by filling out the form below!